Let Your Vision Be World-Embracing   -- Bahá'u'lláh

You are invited to contact us:

Mail: The Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Halifax; P.O. Box 381, Dartmouth Main; Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Canada B2Y 3Y5 

Voice mail: +1 (902) 425-8188

Email: info@halifaxbahai.org

Facebook: Baha'i Community of Halifax

The Bahá’í Community of Halifax   

Bahá’ís are the followers of the teachings of Bahá'u'lláh, who taught that there is only one God, that there is one human family, and that all major religions represent unfolding chapters in God's teachings for humankind.  More about the Baha'i Faith LINK

Upcoming Events (Open to the Public. Contact the addresses above for details):

INTERFAITH HARMONY HALIFAX  2025  (IHH 2025) - The Baha'i Community has been a supporter and participant in IHH since its inception more than a decade ago.  The IHH Website lists the many events  that start on Feb 1st and run until Feb 9th.   DETAILS

Bahá’í Event for Interfaith Harmony Halifax 2025 (IHH 2025) - The Life of Táhirih  (see poster above)

The Bahá’í Community of Halifax is delighted to participate again this year in the Interfaith Harmony Halifax Celebrations.

As its offering to the IHH 2025, the Halifax Bahá’í community will be sharing with the IHH and general community the production of the “Life of Táhirih.  This shows through art, music, and drama—with digitized performances by local artists—the inspirational life of Táhirih. Not only does it inform us of the historical context of the beginnings of the Bahá’í Faith, but the production presents, in an artful and entertaining way, a key principle of the Bahá’í Faith: the equality of woman and men.

It will take place:  
Saturday, Feb. 8 from 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Woodlawn Public Library - Auditorium
31 Eisener Blvd., Dartmouth, NS

This production is dedicated to Táhirih, who sacrificed her wealth, family, and finally her life for the emancipation of women, including all women who have followed in her path.

Who is Táhirih?
Táhirih, lived in the mid 1800s. Her sublime faith, her lofty thoughts, and her ardent desire to be of service to humanity were a miracle to behold. She believed that the equality between men and women is one of the greatest signs of the progress of this age. Táhirih was indeed a woman whose equal is seldom found in the history of mankind. She questioned both political and religious orthodoxy, which for centuries had forced women out of sight and degraded women to sub-human levels.
The famous orientalist, Professor Edward G. Browne of Cambridge University of England, wrote this about her: “The appearance of such a woman as Táhirih in any country and in any age is a rare phenomenon, but in such a country as Iran it is a prodigy... nay; almost a miracle. Alike in virtue of her marvellous beauty, her rare intellectual gifts, her fervid eloquence, her fearless devotion, and her glorious martyrdom, she stands incomparable and immortal amidst her countrywomen.”


Note: While there is no graphic detail, near the end of the 45 minute production, the martyrdom of Táhirih is discussed. This may be disturbing to smaller or more sensitive children. They would be welcome to leave the room to enjoy other parts of the Woodlawn Library.  The production may be long for some children.


We appreciate the support of the Woodlawn Public Library for use of their facility, their technical help, and other assistance.

------------------------------- OTHER PUBLIC EVENTS  -----------------

BAHA'I  HOLY DAYS :  Bahá’ís commemorate 11 holy days each year. These occasions are usually observed with community gatherings in large or small settings, with programs befitting the significance of the day. The tables below indicate where these days fall on a Gregorian calendar for 2024 and 2025.   Generally events are open to the public  (Dates and some details are available HERE )


Providing a much-needed response to humanity's growing estrangement from the Source of hope and bounty and fostering communities distinguished by their worship of God and their service  to humankind.  Bahá’ís believe the crucial need facing humanity is to find a unifying vision of the future of society and of the nature and purpose of life. Such a vision unfolds in the writings of Bahá’u’lláh.